ConnectUS Official Announcement

The team for this year's connectUS edition has been announced and presented.
We could not be more excited to start working on this phenomenal project.
Our photos have been made and now it's all about digging into our topic and creating an unforgettable Seminar in Switzerland and Abroad.

At connectus, we're al about encouraging smart thinking and engagement with the big challenges facing our world.
We want to show future leaders how innovation can lead to a more sustainable and resilient future, focusing on the thoughtful adoption of emerging technologies.

Our mission is to guide FHNW students through key topics like the challenges of building a circular economy, the rise of Al-driven productivity, food security with advanced engineering, the need for urban resilience, and the complexities of entrepreneurship.
We're looking to uncover practical solutions and strategies that are shaping sustainability in both Switzerland and Northern America.

By focusing on these areas of interest, we seek to inspire critical reflection and foster meaningful dialogue that advances innovative solutions and sustainable practices.

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