“Do not seek money or status but search for the impact you can make on others”, these are one of many long-lasting words of Miguel Milano from Celonis, but more on that later. On Thursday, March 30th, the connectUS delegation departed to North America. We embarked on an adventure abroad that will lead us to New York City, the financial and cultural capital of the Western Hemisphere, to Toronto, its less stressful and loud little brother, and finally Boston, with the world-renowned Ivy League universities MIT and Harvard.
The first highlight of the trip was the visit to Celonis, a data processing company that offers software to improve business processes, also known as the Execution Management System (EMS). This software is used to perform process mining, which is the intersection of data analytics and operations management. Process mining allows a company to analyze their operational processes based on event logs. This is largely used to identify inefficiencies within a company’s existing operational processes. Probably the most interesting thing about Celonis is the location of their headquarters. They are located on the 87th floor of the One World Trade Center.
During the visit, the delegation had the opportunity to meet with different speakers who shared their experiences and insights on various aspects of the company. As mentioned before, one of the speakers who stood out was Miguel Milano, who gave an inspiring speech about finding one’s purpose in life. His words resonated with the delegation, who found the talk insightful and thought-provoking.
After the company visit, we had several days to explore the vibrant city of New York. We were culturally and culinarily active, with an itinerary including a visit to an NBA game on Friday in Brooklyn, where we experienced a true American game. The delegation also enjoyed a trip to the Top of the Rock on Sunday, which gave us stunning views of the city from above. Later that day, we did a hop-on-hop-off bus tour, which allowed us to explore the city’s iconic landmarks and attractions, such as the Brooklyn Bridge, Times Square, the Empire State Building, and the Flat Iron Building.
The first part of the trip was completed with a visit to the Consulate General of Switzerland, where we learnt about the various activities of the Swiss representation abroad. During brief presentations the delegation discovered fascinating information on the functional facets of several departments, including the Public Diplomacy Department, the Chancery, as well as the Swiss Business Hub USA. Also, as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, Switzerland’s goals are submitted through its Permanent Mission to the UN in New York.
We were very happy to hear from Oscar Romero, the New York Civic Engagement Commission’s chief information officer, about his work. Romero highlighted the various difficulties faced by policymakers in a city as varied and multicultural as New York. For instance, the fact that 40% of people living in NYC were born abroad. Romero stressed that the goal of his day-to-day work is to encourage community-driven innovation and to enable people from various backgrounds to influence the destiny of the city.
Overall, the connectUS delegation had a fantastic experience in New York. They not only had the opportunity to visit a global company and learn from industry experts, but they also got to experience the city’s rich culture and attractions. So far the trip has been a great success, and the delegation is leaving New York with valuable insights and memories that will last a lifetime! Stay tuned for more insights from Toronto. Follow us on social media to see more of the daily activities.